Cancel Cancelling

Should anyone be cancelled? If so, who? What kinds of people for what kinds of actions? Our society has evolved to a point where what is socially acceptable is changing and if an individual doesn’t change with it fast enough they will potentially be punished for it for the rest of their life. In some ways this can be a good thing. For far too long persons in power have been invited to change their ways by society but since there was no real way to hold them accountable they were allowed to continue. Cancelling is not holding people accountable for their actions, but teaching others in society where the line is of what is acceptable. Cancel culture may be the wrong direction, but what is the right direction? How can we as a society be rest assured that people are being held accountable to change? When it comes to someone’s past that has been revealed we can judge them by their current character to determine whether they have changed. However, when it is a recent act, I don’t have the answer. Maybe, in some circumstances, cancelling is the correct action for now.



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